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New Sceptocrypt vocalist – Pawel

sceptocrypt vocalist

Across the hills and valleys, from the cold winters of Polska to the bittersweet rumble of London town, we present you Pawel. Bringing vocals, stage tricks, and general good vibes to the band, we continue to shape new music and lyrics bearing titles as “Cherish the Tail that Chokes You”, “This Odometer Syndrome” and “A Place for Thorned Souls”.See you later this 2025 with more news!

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Wanted! Noise Synth Player + 2nd guitarist (Vocalist found)

Synth player guitarist advert

We have now found a vocalist & more will be announced as we work towards bringing Sceptocrypt back to the stage in 2025! We meanwhile want to shape our sound a bit more, and hence seek 2 more members, being – a noize/synth player to add electronics to our sound texture live! Whether your sounds come from computers, instruments, or synth, what matters is that you bring the noize! Anything from industrial to orchestral is welcome, as long as there is an actual human controlling this live on stage! – 2nd guitarist to add more beef to our sound. Although unnecessary, doubling on guitar synth/ using lots of effects is a welcome asset. About us – vision– future2 albums’ worth…

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Sceptocrypt seek vocalist ASAP

Now that we finally have a drummer & are prepping to come out live early 2025, we are looking for a vocalist who can growl/scream (but be generally understood), and also sing clean (think doom, prog, industrial, etc but NOT nu-metal).Adding drama to your singing by bringing lyrics to life (current lyrics deal with mental health, technology failures, willpower, etc not dragons/satan/gore) is more than welcome! Basically the more theatrical you are, the more you can play with the audience!  Listen to “The Wards Outside” to get a glimpse of our current sound (as every song differs a bit) & if you like what you hear, are London based/can commute here regularly for rehearsals, let’s set up a jam. Our vision…

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Sceptocrypt have a new drummer (still seeking vocalist)

It’s been a while now brewing, and here we are, happy to announce that we finally got a drummer in our fold. Please welcome he who for now shall be called Dr S! The doctor has been busy dealing with our riffs – chk him out here!. More reels to be revealed from time to time! As a band, we now have near to 35mins of music (3 songs), and are looking for a vocalist to prep up for live shows. Any interested parties, check our ad.

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Sceptocrypt back live after 27yrs

It’s been since 1997 that Sceptocrypt have not played live. So what better way to celebrate our renaissance than at an open air festival called Renaissance? Ever wondered how abrasive tunes with dissonant chord voicings comes across in an acoustic set? Come down as this will be a special first-ever acoustic show! Of course our search for a permanent vocalist/frontman and more importantly a drummer are still on. Details here for who is interested. Browse the official Renaissance Festival event page for more details on all the other bands etc and for a history of all other gigs we played in the 90s.

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Intie re Sceptocrypt’s return & our plans going forward + new reviews

With Sceptocrypt’s return since 2023, we are currently looking for reviews for our never promoted 1999 recording “!26hrs 72mins … the need to differ)” as well as our latest 2023 & 2024 new music.Some interviews would also be welcome, so we look frwd to hear from you media lot. The 1st interview was during a Maltese podcast Rockna, a nice chat with host Michael about the latest in the world of Sceptocrypt & what we got stored in the pipeline. Audible at, the Maltese show switches to English while interviewing Sceptocrypt in its 2nd part. More airplay, reviews & interviews will be posted at Any interested media can contact us via the same page.

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