Isegoria 2000
(Words by Albert Bell; music, structures and arrangements by Sceptocrypt;
Greek & German translations by Katerina, Fight Amnesia Zine; Latin by Fr. Valentine)

Eµaste ta paídía thV envmenhV geníaV
H uea cilietia caireta to metamonterno
H antijash thV dhmokratiaV thV KnbernhtikhV
XenoyobikoV zhloV, nostalgikh omoiogeneia:
mia diaspastikh pisth

H sojia milaei thn pagkosmia omospoudiakh katastash
Thn pisth tou “EnoV EqnonV”,
Mia allhloezartvmenh elenqeria, apokthmenh eterogeneia
EnaV bioorganismoV pon anapneei

H antiqeoh thV mh-logikhV
enswmatwmenh stmn kollektibistikh katastash
“Koinwnia”(Gesellschaft), mhcanikh, kosmikh allhlegguh
Egw eimai to qanma thV eqnikothtaV
H embruakh atomikistikh katastash
“Koinwnikh Enothta”(Gemeinschaft), organikoV, yileleuqeroV plouralisoV

Eµaste ta paídía thV envmenhV geníaV

Etruria humanitatis æstus
Tirannicæ potentiæ cultus
Deductionis possessio
Iurium quæ abalienari non possun privatio
Propinquorum tribuum præstantia
Merito domanitus auctoritas
Divini pacti obsolescentia
Poliarchia ad unum delata

Doctrinæ profanæ diluculum

Cessatio: Romanorum fovea fidei paganæ
Confidentia sui, promethæ libertas voluntatis
Negata christianesimi procreatione sacrarum columnarum,
Evomita martyrii sanguine

Isegoria 2000
Jien lid-dinja nsaqsi,

“Ego sum qui sum, ego sum qui sum” (Exodus 3:14)

“Humanitas, ut sum impleat munus, certaminas et hostes,
dolores et iniuiras patitur, et quod animus est stiam communis universi.
Homo enim vitæ in se solum virtutæ divina quæ ei inest.
Initio illa ut pratio designata, sed propter suam activitate
et potestatem in proprium arbitrium vocata est
(Hegel: Freedom as the Goal of History)


Il-jien nazzjonali jixxennaq minn gewwa
ghal tifsira ezistenzjali
X’jaghti d-demm lill-hajja,
Jekk mhux il-migja lejn il-liberta`?

Kultura minghajr konfini
fl-ispirtu universali
tal-virtu tar-raguni
li tfarrak it-tradizzjoni insulari

Il-htiega ta’ gharfien,
ghall-wirt ta’ din l-istorja bla tmiem
anima socjali
mhux mittiefsa mill-eghruq taz-zmien
Ruh eterna msawwra fuq lingwa,

‘Dizzjoni indigena ta’ realta`
F’sedqa wahda ‘l hinn minn xtutna
Isegoria ghas-sena 2000
“Lil din l-art helwa…”

Ruh eterna msawwra fuq lingwa,
‘Dizzjoni indigena ta’ realta`
F’sedqa wahda ‘l hinn minn xtutna
Isegoria ghas-sena 2000
Din hi Isegoria ghas-sena 2000!

Amongst the Hunsis & Worms
(Music, structures & arrangements by Callus & Borg; words by Borg & Callus)

Autogenous Hunto of death
Beat to Calenda of Shaka’s act
Reminiscent of esoteric rites
Of thaumaturgic animism

Naked feet on a sunburnt ground
Circle round a fiery teraph
Conjuring out from the crux of torches
Arcana of a dormant Nago, Hevieso

INkwasazana – mighty goddess of the rains
Bring forth the storms
That all worms shall sink at their might

Summoning thee, oh mighty Shaka – lord of the tribes
To re-unite the sporadic progenies
To lead them once more to the conquest of your domain
Rise African sun!

Genuflected by force by your ophidian race
In front of a fetish to them unknown.
Forced to a futile creed
In one ‘omnipotent, benevolent self
Of a blissful pulchritude’

Beat the drums of death
To the dance of Shaka’s act!

Sweeping from old to modern times
These worms crawl the Earth, their skin they dye
Choosing these colours instead of wisdom
Replacing all that belongs to halidom

Obnoxiously syncretizing
Autogenous, yet ascetic faiths
Theist, paynim, nefariously coalesced
Creating an ‘evil’, stoic race

Execrated syncretism,
Teraphs turned to tools of curse.
Contumeliously usurping
Ancient thrones of ancestral gods
Erasing many a peoples traits
Scathing a sacrosanct creed
No sib exists amongst the Hunsis and worms
Despondently abnegating
Their own deity to seem ‘evil’

Impetus, their nefarious antagonism
Paroxysm shall be their karma against…
…the usurpers…
Heliacal, the rise of the progenies
Dayspring of a new saga

Bite of the Hamadryad
(words by Callus; music and arrangements by Callus & Tabone, structures by Abela)

A nymph dancing at the end of my brain,
Pyrrho observes this theft of sane,
Eros rides these clouds of deceipt,
Hegemonic Aphrodite

CHORUS: Inheriting the old wood of sage
Of the many a youth who was faked by her charm
Though he fled away from the bite of the hamadryad

Rooks of pleasure, ambience of memento,
Amour crowns a lord of meek,
Hera’s just a symbol of pun
A player to mankind’s trivium.

Feelings named Erasmus,
This drama will not end,
Eternally enrolled
To the acts of romance.
Suffer will she cry in pantomime
As she bows to my tempted part,
Exorbitant defines her urge
To gather in embrace

Lorelei of the Rhine
Unearthly is your fake charm,
Morskoi tsar,
Forbid your daughters from romance.

Under the cover of her crust
She boils in calore and deep lust,
Under the cover of her skin
She joys at members gathered to sin!

As king I fall to the dance of my alma,
As lover I fall to the dress of my femme,
Satyriasis at its best
As I share my product with thou sylph.


Quaint nymphs look upon my senile ways,
Fatal may I see me submit to their lust
Sealed by the thoughts of Aphrodite.

In my mind I draw the curtain to this dance
As I hold this pleasure down in my hand
Just to feel the events were but a screen
Of desires by which bitten I have been.


Of Ambivalence
(Music, structures & arrangements by Callus & Borg; words by Borg & Callus)

Hugin is erased
My alter-ego is set free
Hysteric thoughts of pain
Coerce me to roam in darkness

I wait for dusk to come
Victims I shall stalk
To satisfy my psychopathy

Gloves in my hands ride the horse of sanity
Dirt hidden among my works sagacity
Decisions taken on game look upon my fate
Mysteries as I breed play, my shadow leaves away.

As I behold I despise
These abhorrent, blood-stained hands
From channels of innocence to a warrior on playgrounds of dyschancelium
Pouring into my sub conscience a plenitude to deprive
My Numina, your joke, yet pride, yet price, yet… my voice is unheard

CHORUS: Infinite nisus
Despondent cathexis
From this nadir a satyr
Epiphoric cries of sorrow
Break the silence of my ennui

As my soul begins to fade
Exacerbant thoughts of a nascent personality
Aberrate the cosmos of my mind
Which relinquished, defers to this animosity

Autogenic antagonism
Throws me into abysmal despair
Cyclothemic attitudes…
My path to cataleptic dementia!


Wailing… like a newborn’s first breath
In abjurance of an unjust world which abrogated me
Only to hear my own broken voice
Echoing through my arid, deserted soul

Trivial are and shall be my efforts
No one hears my silent cries.

An insight through myself
The revelation of my analogical yet opposite selves!
Discorporates my malevolent being.
Re-enters my lugubrious self
Conscious I become of my ambivalent feelings…
Hatred and romance, a satyr and a god…
The two faces of a coin, rusted by humanity’s indifference
Which side will prevail?

Asseverate shall I against humanity’s austerity
Towards an anorthopic silhouette of an abstruse nature
So in solitude shall I struggle against the Bhavanga
Till… as flowers must fall,
So shall my body march to destruction!

Antropomorphosis of Imperfection (Scrolls and Laments of the Ill-Chosen)
(Music and structures by Tabone; arrangements by Sceptocrypt; Words by Borg & Callus)

Scroll 1

“And God [the personification of perfection itself],
Created Man in his own likeness and image
And saw that everything was right.”
But I, I’m an invalid,
I’m a freak of nature,
But I’m also your ultimate abomination!

Lament 1
Blinded by this hatred for life
As I raise my fists up at the sky
Blasphemy pours out of my tortured mind
“Adonai, where art thou?”
Thunders of grief rumble in my mind
As I strive and saunter as an anchorite
Abdurated against your beloved race
Which spew and faw at the antropomorphosis of your own flaw.

Scroll 2
Sibyl crawling out of nature
With shrewd bite has cast Man still
Habile act of loving deity
Your infection holds me still

Sent to this world as an icon
Of the faults of this surrounding
Entity – that force of good will
I look at … and doubt!

Scroll 3
Karma path of suffering a trauma as one lays
A particle in chaos just for the balance to be
An energy in transmission, idolum of…
The fallacy of instinct to sway away from hate
I’ve been infected by this deity’s love bite
A venom I carry while I vainly bicker

Lament 2
Yet through the second state the lamia takes Man away
No bissonn rheum, no bedlam, no blood and thunder frails
Quibbling with perfection, Man is left
Straying with the poison of an oracular
Aegis, Where’s thy tutelage?
I’ve put my trust in you yet I’ve been left infected
By this swirl of thy love bite, where’s this icon erected?

Prechant to the 3rd Lament
Antagonist, and with sharp ripping blade
Man antidates his mission of hateEndless cries …
Endless pain …
Endless sorrow …
… Misery!

Lament 3
Father of antidote, mother of need
Man shall repel against this deity’s greed
Antibody versus the transitory
Will of the venom agents
Still facing fiercer ravens
As I gaze despondently at the sky
I order thee behold “God of all faults!”

Prechant to the 4th Lament
Creator of mankind
Where’s thy perfection?

Lament 4 – The Lament of all Laments
Jehovah, your ophidian bite
Has hauled me into this insalubrious state of mind
Adonai, imperfect god
Unworthy of your glory, you turned your back on me

As thy reflection, I was born invalid
But dare ask again : “Je – Je – Je – Je – Jehovah?”

Jehovah, your ophidian bite
Has hauled me into this insalubrious state of mind
Adonai, imperfect god
Unworthy of your glory, you turned your back on me

If I, poor freak of nature, am the image of a god
Then how perfect is this god?

Adonai, …… Jehovah, your ophidian bite
Has hauled me into this insalubrious state of mind
Adonai, imperfect god
Unworthy of your glory, you turned your back on me

Scroll 4
Homo Sapiens, image of God
Thou hast forsook, thou hast betrayed
The fruit of your own copulation
Homo Sapiens, image of God
Thou hast forsook, thou hast betrayed
Am I not an offspring of yours?

Repeat Scroll 4

A heteroclite I was born
Residuum of your theodicy

Repeat Lament 2

Repeat Prechant to the 3rd Lament

Denunciated by this god
Axiom is his holy imperfection!

Amaranth so Puissant Act 1 : The Planting
(words by Callus and Borg)

Open up to my lustre
And receive my radiant seed.
I am dream yet I’m struggle,
I’ll set you ablaze with a grace yet not yours/mine

Showereth unto me
Pour over me thy silence from darkness
Melt over me thy sweet intoxication
As I am now bound through this virtual copulation
Of a prodigal dream around my cerebral universe.
This Grand Guignol that returns as belligerent,
A coup de théâtre so loving in plenitude.

Oh fortress of my frailty, why choose my sand for your bastions?
To reach me of euphrasy, together we’ll sing this eulogy!
Ensconce me with your discipline for me to reach your shores of gold.
Have you to travel dogged and have you to dissent?
Whether truthful may I ask?
I am the zenith of your instinct, the everest to your show of zest.
I reckon you are distraught –
Come, open up, let me leave you not vagrant.
I am the Art!!!

Where art thou, Art?
Thou art gone and will not answer,
Thou hast shaped me with thy Golconda –
Hope ’tis not an eclipse to darken my heart,
For at times your speech befalls my silent naivety
But soon shrink thou in the haze clouding my mind.

Nay, nay, look inside
To grasp that by which makes thee be.
Nay, nay, never I hide
Dig deep in thyself to set me free.

Oh please hetaera hide no longer
Grant me your moire,
Stay by my side, guide me!
Once I thought you’ll be the light ahead of me.

I’m the zenith of the instinct,
Everest to the zest.
This ought to be distraught,
Oh not to end vagrant.
I’m the absicht of existence
Amaranth to the soul
A nisus grown lethargic;
Let me elucidate your ennui.


Thou! …
Thine sweet melodies to many
But very few thine strength.
This! …
This makes my heart grieve
Intrinsic as thy art for me
Abscond not from my strives.

So let it shine this vibrant heat afar
And across this gazebo of lilly-white, a nectar in plight!

Abashed have I to be to avouch your arras.
Dole not oh chimerial, my canticle’s nay to be your chagrin!
Oh chaste chrone, you grant me love yet even gnaw
As I daub on your canvas and splatter my poesy.
Why have I to gain your price at my bedlam?
Why has this to be for thee to last?
Will thy last more than my house, my ivy home by the digger?
Will new autumns shed my feverish request?

Thou art a coup de main,
A petulant rocket that darts back to my heart.
My emotions can’t I keep privy
For your philtre so puissant grabs me still.
I so promiscious, thou so priggish
Ardous land far, why this satiety,
Will I rest a sap in my shroud?

I am the Art,
From inside of you I radiate,
Have been, am, and shalt I be
The preacher of thee and what have thy been
When they sign the echidion at the gates
And sing your epicidium with their false grace
I shall radiate again
By your bedlam, oh distraught, the force your receipt
Made me gain!!!

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