Here is a list of all our releases so far.
Click on each image for the audio & lyrics full experience (including compositional & recording credits!)
Go to our bandcamp to download high quality audio!

Demo track “The Wards Outside”
The Wards Outside
Released 22.02.2024

Comeback track “Oratorio Mortem 2 : The Unwanted Requeim”
Oratorio Mortem 2 : The Unwanted Requeim
Released 25.11.2023

Live show “Amaranth so Puissant”
Act 1 : The Planting
Act 2 : Death
Act 3 : Hope
Act 4 : The Ever-After
Recorded 1997, released 2021

Full-length CD : “!26Hrs 72mins … the need to differ )”
Isegoria 2000
Amongs the Hunsis & Worms
Bite of the Hamadryad
Of Ambivalence
Antropomorphosis of Imperfection (Scrolls & Laments of the Ill-Chosen)
Amaranth so Puissant (Act 1 : The Planting)
Recorded 1999, released 2015

Rehearsal tape “Poor Crows, Give ‘Em a Deal”
Side A : Of Ambivalence; Isegoria 2000; Eyes for Fear
Side B (previous releases) : Oratorio Mortem; The Ancient Morning; Godless
Recorded & released 1997

Compilation track : “Oratorio Mortem”
Oratorio Mortem
Released 1997

Debut demo : “Wild Code of Reverie”
The Ancient Morning
Released 1996