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New Sceptocrypt logo

We know that we promised a new work “The Wards Outside” for January 2024, but as we had a new logo in development, we decided to postpone the release by few weeks, as to include this new logo into the website and the single’s cover! Story goes that while Malcolm was in Malta last year he accidentally met Sceptocrypt’s 2nd vocalist and long time friend James Sciberras, few days before leaving the island. Having designed the original logo, we spoke about a new one, so he revamped the old one to include our new “extreme music research” tag into a more modern frame. So here for you our new logo for you to enjoy! We would be chuffed if you…

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Sceptocrypt re-launch with a new genre in 2023: Read our “Extreme Music Research” Manifesto!

Proud of but not limited by the heritage that is extreme metal, Sceptocrypt have always been known to not be confined by one style and to welcome cross-genre influences! So for our re-launch, we have a vision that we are calling Extreme Music Research. Read our manifesto as follows! Extreme – undettered by trying different forms of experimentation, from over-the-top technical riffs to the lack of same in form of time & harmonic changes that flow seamlessly, an extremity measured in the myriad of influences recalled to shape the final aural palette. Music – in a time when visual media continually compliments the music industry, we aim to present you music that evokes you the more you close your eyes,…

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